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mexican-style omelet
1 bell pepper
1/4 onion
4 eggs
2 tablespoon nonfat milk
dash salt & pepper
2 ounces low-fat cheese
1/3 cups nonfat refried beans
1/3 cup salsa
1 tablespoon Canola oil
Frying pan
Cooking spray
Can opener
Measuring spoons
Cutting board
Cheese grater
Wash hands.
Wash bell pepper and onion pat dry.
Dice bell pepper and onion.
Lightly coat pan with oil and cook bell pepper and onion over medium-high heat for a few minutes until tender.
Put vegetables into another container and set aside.
In a bowl use a fork to whisk eggs with salt, pepper, and milk.
Grate cheese.
Open can of beans. Pour beans in a separate bowl. Wash can and recycle can.
Place frying pan on medium heat. Lightly coat with oil.
Pour egg mixture into pan. Scrape from edges to center for 20 seconds. Let eggs cook until firm.
Spread beans onto one-half of eggs.
Add vegetables and salsa on top of beans.
Fold egg over in half onto mixture (like a taco).
Sprinkle cheese on top.
Carefully slide omelet onto plate. Cut into quarters and serve.
Makes 4 Servings
Nutrition highlights
Includes fruits and vegetables
A good source of iron
A good source of calcium
No added sugar
Includes healthy fats